
A continuation of Evan's and Shelly's extensive OC page, featuring AUs and additional related characters (both OC and canon).

Featured art is by satsumikan!

This page is very incomplete and messy! Thank you for your patience as I work on slowly completing this carrd.


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Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.


OT4 (minus one, +1)





EvanThe crown prince of Wintervale.


LanceThe crown prince of Summeria.

The Edgelands

GoroA surviving valkyrie from the old world. Currently focusing on purifying the negative remnants of Ragnarök.
LeonThe new death.


Art by satsumikan.


Full Name: Leon Aurelius
Alias: Anubis
Gender: *Agender
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Deity (Death)
Year of Birth: 1st March ???? CE
Zodiac: Pisces
Age: ??? (young in terms of immortals)

*The concept of gender doesn't quite apply to Leon because it is a human construct, and he is not human.


Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)
Build: Skinny
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Orange
Skin Color: White
Description: Leon has flowy orange hair that stops at his mid-chest. He usually keeps his hair up in a loose side-ponytail, held together by a star-shaped hair tie with dangling charms. On the top of his head is a very expressive beansprout ahoge that is reflective of his current emotions. He also has freckles dotted over his nose and under his eyes.

He often wears Ouji fashion, his usual attire comprised of a black double-breasted dress vest worn over a white button-up shirt; black shorts ending just slightly above his knees with a swath of lace hanging out to the side; and black knee-high lace-up boots. A black cape with a starlight interior and a black beret add finishing touches to his outfit. Leon also wears a bracelet ring chain with stars along the chain on his left hand.


Sexuality: Pansexual
⋆ The moon and stars
⋆ Learning about the world around him
⋆ Goro
⋆ Sweets

⋆ Conflict
⋆ Making mistakes
⋆ Bitter food

Personality: Due to being 'born' to a world recovering from Ragnarök with no one to initially guide him, Leon is curious, inquisitive, and largely unaware of the way the universe works. Because of this, he wants to learn more about and understand the world and the Realms better. One might find him wandering around and exploring on his own or with others when not busy with his duties.

Leon is soft, kind, and caring, often seeing the bright side of things. However, he is optimistic to a fault, almost to the point of naïveté: because he believes in the kindness of people, he struggles when facing cruelty, unable to understand why anyone can act that way. Despite facing adversity, Leon does not lose his kind and caring nature and will extend it to others, willing to give second chances with a smile on his face.


Cain Löwenthal: Sort of his dad, deceased
Goro: Big brother figure, greatly looks up to him

Known Languages:
⋆ Knowledge of all due to being death

Place of Origin: Paradise (the Immortal Realm)

Background: in the beginning, there was silence

WIP! but here's a rundown

leon wakes up in the ruins of g.o.d.'s former pantheon. he stumbles through the rubble, aimlessly wandering around before eventually making it to the edge of paradise. he descends to the edgelands

in the edgelands, leon is still alone and continues to wander. he eventually comes across a body of water and sees a reflection of himself, wondering if that is how he looks. leon is then attacked by a malevolent spirit, a remnant of ragnarok. goro swoops in and saves him bc he just happened to be there. upon noticing something very familiar coming from leon, goro takes him in and things go on from there

Miscellaneous (Headcanons)

  • Leon is very clumsy, except when in combat or performing his duties. He finds this highly embarrassing and is apologetic.

  • Leon will almost always have sweets on hand, either candy or baked goods. The one he most frequently has is konpeito.

  • Although he is kind, Leon is somewhat shy when meeting new people. Once he gets to know them, he will open right up.

  • More will be added once I think of them!